The Responsibility of Joint Stock Companies’ Board Members

مسؤولية أعضاء مجلس الإدارة في الشركات المساهمة
نظراً لتزايد انتشار الشركات المساهمة واهميتها كونها تلعب دوراً رئيسياًفي إنعاش الحركة الاقتصادية في المملكة حيث نرى بأن أكثر المشاريع التجارية الضخمة قد أنشأت في صورة شركات مساهمة، لذا فقد أصبح من الضروري مراقبة وضبط أجهزة إدارة هذه الشركات إذ إن أي تجاوز يصدر من الرئيس او أعضاء مجلس الإدارة قد ينتج عنه أضرار للمساهمين او الغير او أصول الشركة ذاتها مما يعرقل معه سير هذه الشركات وانحرافها عن الهدف الذي أنشأت من اجله.

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Modernization of Bahraini Courts

Bahrain has taken significant steps towards globalization by allowing languages other than Arabic in litigation courts—the recent issuance of Resolution No. (28) of 2023 outlines the mechanism and scope of application for the use of non-Arabic languages before the courts and the Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution (“BCDR”).

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Bahrain Introduces the Platinum Residency Permit

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa has recently issued Resolution No. 47 of 2023 with respect to Granting the Entry Visa and Platinum Residency Permit in the Kingdom of Bahrain, aligning with the Kingdom’s efforts to enhance the commercial environment and attract foreign investment.

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An Overview of the Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law

تماشياً مع التطورات الاقتصادية وسعياً لتعزيز البيئة الاستثمارية في مملكة البحرين، تم اصدار قانون إعادة التنظيم والافلاس الصادر بالقانون رقم (22) لسنة 2018 الذي سعى المشرع من خلاله الى إعادة تنظيم ديون الأشخاص والشركات المتعثرة لتجنب افلاسهم وخسارة اصولهم لقيمتها المادية ومساعدتهم لاستمرار أعمالهم.

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The Rise of ChatGPT and the Legal Landscape

ChatGPT’s disruption to industries worldwide is evident, however, the legal implications remain indefinite and undefined. Although the term “artificial intelligence” was first coined in the 1950s, the relatively new AI chatbot, ChatGPT, was released in November 2022. Since then, various questions have arisen with respect to its legal implications. Judges, lawyers, and users alike are eager to enhance their understanding of new AI systems to apply present legislation to unprecedented issues.

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Marketing Foreign Funds in Bahrain

Bahrain is a regional hub for financial services and is home to a sophisticated investor community. The country has lucrative opportunities for foreign investment firms looking to market their collective investment undertakings (“CIUs”) in Bahrain. Regulating CIUs aligns with Bahrain’s 2030 Vision to persuade the marketing of local and overseas domiciled funds while guarding investors’ rights.

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Understanding Lease Laws in Bahrain

It is important for landlords and tenants to have a general awareness of their rights and obligations in relation to leases. This ensures the lessor follows the relevant laws, and the lessee is aware of their rights and protections provided under Bahrain law.

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