The Vision of the Kingdom Towards Prosperity

The Vision of the Kingdom Towards Prosperity:
US – Bahrain Comprehensive Security Integration and Prosperity Agreement 

Bahrain prides itself on the continuous growth of its economy, defense, and network security. Building on the present cooperation between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States of America, the historic signing of the Comprehensive Security Integration and Prosperity Agreement (CSIPA) between the two countries took place on 13 September 2023.

This legally binding agreement aims to increase economic, commercial and trade cooperation in Bahrain as well as a partnership in defense, science, technology and network security. His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Prime Minister, signed the agreement with the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington, deepening the commitment between the countries in support of the growing collaborations.

The CSIPA relates to the following areas of cooperation:

  1. Economic, Commercial and Trade Cooperation

Highlighting the trade and investment agreements in place, the CSIPA aims to deepen economic partnership and further develop economic integration between the countries in accordance with Article 3 thereof. The countries aim to identify investment opportunities that strategically benefit each of their economies, where they intend to form bilateral and multilateral cooperations in the areas of supply chain resilience, infrastructure, and global economic development.

  1. Defense and Security Cooperation

The CSIPA emphasizes the significance of international enhancement of stability and peace in order to work towards confronting possible regional and global challenges, pursuant to Article 2 thereof. Defense and security cooperation to improve interoperability were agreed upon in the CSIPA, including training and educational programs, combined military exercises and joint planning between the countries.

  1. Science, Technology and Network Security

In harmony with the developments of the fourth industrial revolution, the countries aim to promote scientific and technical collaboration as stipulated under Article 4 of the CSIPA. The CSIPA paves the way for partnerships that foster innovation and enrich the exchange of information and skills. Moreover, the countries aim to learn from the standards and best practices in place in order to strengthen the safeguards against inappropriate access to sensitive information.

Bahrain and the United States are in unanimous agreement to invite other countries to take part in achieving the aims of the agreement, pursuant to Article 8 of the CSIPA. This cooperation across a wide variety of areas emphasizes the strong partnership between the countries and the vision of the Kingdom towards prosperity.

Upholding Corporate Integrity: Recent Enhancements to Bahrain’s Corporate Governance Code

Overview of Corporate Governance Code

Corporate governance ensures transparency, accountability, and sustainable growth in
business organizations. Acknowledging the significance of effective corporate governance,
Bahrain has recently implemented amendments to the Corporate Governance Code (the
“Code”), initially established through Ministerial Decree No. 19 of 2018, which has
undergone significant amendments through Resolution No. 91 of 2022. Published in the
Official Gazette on 19 September 2022, these amendments (the “Amendments“) became
effective immediately after publication. The amendments enhance corporate practices,
encourage investor confidence, and promote long-term value creation. In this article, we
will explore the Amendments made to the Code.

Application of the Code

The Code, as amended, shall only apply to public and closed joint stock companies
incorporated in the Kingdom of Bahrain in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 21 of
2001 promulgating the Commercial Companies Law, as amended (the “CCL”).

Record and Book-keeping

Companies operating in Bahrain must retain all relevant records, including documents,
minutes of meetings, reports of the Board of Directors (“BoD”), committee reports and
governance reports. These records must be stored at the company’s head office for at least
ten years, as outlined in paragraph 9 of Section 2, Chapter 1 of the Code. Additionally, the
Code explicitly incorporates the shareholder’s right to inspect the company’s records, books
and documents as part of Principle 7 in paragraph 5, Section 7.

Composition of the Board of Directors

To promote gender equality, per the updated regulations, public joint stock companies
operating in Bahrain must now ensure the appointment of at least one female board
member. This requirement specifically focuses on promoting the representation of women
in the composition of the BoD. To monitor compliance, the Code mandates the disclosure of
gender membership statistics in the annual corporate governance report.

Conflicts of Interest and Required Disclosures

Per Principle 2 of paragraph 5, Section 2 of the Code, any director, or officer of the BoD is
prohibited from participating in meetings or voting on transactions in which they have a
personal interest. Failure to disclose such conflicts of interest can result in directors and
officers being held liable to compensate the company. In addition, shareholders can bring a
claim to the court to invalidate the transaction. While Article 189 of the CCL already covers
this restriction for directors, the Code extends this responsibility to officers within the
company. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (“MOIC”) is likely to monitor compliance
with this disclosure requirement closely.

The MOIC has introduced an additional disclosure obligation for companies. They are now
required to complete designated forms provided by the MOIC, which include disclosing the
total remuneration and benefits paid to the Chairman, BoD members, Chief Executive
Officers, and Chief Financial Officer annually. The annual corporate governance reports of
the company should also contain details of any benefits, share in profits and allowances
received by the BoD members in their capacity as employees or administrators, as per
Appendix 5 of the Code.
Furthermore, the BoD must disclose to shareholders if any nominated directors are involved
in running a business that competes with the company. The details of any other companies
on the BoD of which the appointed directors serve should also be included. The Code
introduces a new reporting obligation, where the BoD nominations to shareholders should
be accompanied by a summary of the Nomination Committee’s report on the proposed
nominations, which must be disclosed in the company’s annual report.

Audit Committees and External Auditors

Under Principle 3 of Paragraph 1, Section 3 of the Code, companies must have at least three
members in their Audit Committees, with the chairperson being an Independent Board
Member. However, closed joint stock companies can appoint external auditors to their
Audit Committees. Public joint stock companies must have the majority of their Audit
Committee comprise BoD members.
Under Principle 10 of paragraph 1, Section 10, closed joint stock companies are now
obligated to appoint at least one external auditor for one fiscal year, renewable for a
maximum of five (5) years. This requirement previously applied only to public joint stock

Shareholders and their Voting Rights

Shareholders now have the option to participate in deliberations and exercise their voting
rights using electronic voting systems and modern technology. This provision explicitly
recognizes the rights of shareholders under the recent changes to the CCL, as stated in
Principle 7 of paragraph 2, Section 7.


Significantly, the Code introduces penalties in line with Article 362(bis) of the CCL for
violations committed by public and closed joint stock companies. The MOIC has the
authority to order the company to cease the violation and impose various penalties,
including the suspension of the company’s commercial registration for up to six months,
administrative fines calculated daily (not exceeding BHD 1,000 for the first violation and
BHD 2,000 for subsequent violations), administrative fines not exceeding BHD 100,000, and
the striking of the company’s commercial registration from the Commercial Register.


The Amendments to the Code demonstrate Bahrain’s commendable efforts to enhance
corporate governance practices in line with international standards and the CCL. By
imposing more significant obligations regarding transparency, disclosure, diversity and

consequences on joint stock companies, Bahrain aims to promote best practices in
corporate governance. These Amendments pave the way for improved corporate
governance standards and contribute to the overall development of the business
environment in Bahrain.

The Responsibility of Joint Stock Companies’ Board Members

مسؤولية أعضاء مجلس الإدارة في الشركات المساهمة
نظراً لتزايد انتشار الشركات المساهمة واهميتها كونها تلعب دوراً رئيسياًفي إنعاش الحركة الاقتصادية في المملكة حيث نرى بأن أكثر المشاريع التجارية الضخمة قد أنشأت في صورة شركات مساهمة، لذا فقد أصبح من الضروري مراقبة وضبط أجهزة إدارة هذه الشركات إذ إن أي تجاوز يصدر من الرئيس او أعضاء مجلس الإدارة قد ينتج عنه أضرار للمساهمين او الغير او أصول الشركة ذاتها مما يعرقل معه سير هذه الشركات وانحرافها عن الهدف الذي أنشأت من اجله.

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Modernization of Bahraini Courts

Bahrain has taken significant steps towards globalization by allowing languages other than Arabic in litigation courts—the recent issuance of Resolution No. (28) of 2023 outlines the mechanism and scope of application for the use of non-Arabic languages before the courts and the Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution (“BCDR”).

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Bahrain Introduces the Platinum Residency Permit

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa has recently issued Resolution No. 47 of 2023 with respect to Granting the Entry Visa and Platinum Residency Permit in the Kingdom of Bahrain, aligning with the Kingdom’s efforts to enhance the commercial environment and attract foreign investment.

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An Overview of the Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law

تماشياً مع التطورات الاقتصادية وسعياً لتعزيز البيئة الاستثمارية في مملكة البحرين، تم اصدار قانون إعادة التنظيم والافلاس الصادر بالقانون رقم (22) لسنة 2018 الذي سعى المشرع من خلاله الى إعادة تنظيم ديون الأشخاص والشركات المتعثرة لتجنب افلاسهم وخسارة اصولهم لقيمتها المادية ومساعدتهم لاستمرار أعمالهم.

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The Rise of ChatGPT and the Legal Landscape

ChatGPT’s disruption to industries worldwide is evident, however, the legal implications remain indefinite and undefined. Although the term “artificial intelligence” was first coined in the 1950s, the relatively new AI chatbot, ChatGPT, was released in November 2022. Since then, various questions have arisen with respect to its legal implications. Judges, lawyers, and users alike are eager to enhance their understanding of new AI systems to apply present legislation to unprecedented issues.

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Marketing Foreign Funds in Bahrain

Bahrain is a regional hub for financial services and is home to a sophisticated investor community. The country has lucrative opportunities for foreign investment firms looking to market their collective investment undertakings (“CIUs”) in Bahrain. Regulating CIUs aligns with Bahrain’s 2030 Vision to persuade the marketing of local and overseas domiciled funds while guarding investors’ rights.

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Understanding Lease Laws in Bahrain

It is important for landlords and tenants to have a general awareness of their rights and obligations in relation to leases. This ensures the lessor follows the relevant laws, and the lessee is aware of their rights and protections provided under Bahrain law.

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